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A forum of support, sharing, caring and friendship for family and friends of those in the 3/25.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Prayer for Our Military

The Rev. William J. Bleiler, state chaplain of the New Jersey VFW, wrote the following "Prayer for Our Military" for distribution to VFW members. He is pastor of St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church in Cedarville, Cumberland County.

Almighty God, our Source of strength and courage, we ask Thee to guide the leaders of nations in the ways of peace and justice and enduring freedom for the peoples of the world.

In these times of peril and war against terrorism listen to our prayers for the men and women serving in our armed forces, our military leaders and our allies. Protect them all from harm as they go into battle on land, in the sea and in the air.

Take away whatever fear from their hearts and enable them to overcome swiftly and decisively the violence and cruelty of the enemy.

Protect them from the hatred of others and bolster their personal pride of being American as they rid our world of the works of darkness and weapons of mass destruction.

Console their loved ones and family members who remain on the home front. Gently dry the tears of those who mourn for the wounded in battle and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Oh God, bless them with Thy presence. Grant us homeland security. May Thy Peace, the fruit of justice, truth and mercy, reign in America and throughout the world. Amen.


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