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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

U.S. Prepares for Iraq Pullout

Associated Press | August 03, 2005

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon is laying the groundwork for beginning a withdrawal from Iraq, even as it is weighing the risk of moving so quickly WASHINGTON - The Pentagon is laying the groundwork for beginning a withdrawal from Iraq, even as it is weighing the risk of moving so quickly that Iraqi security forces collapse without U.S. support.

The benefits of a U.S. drawdown are pretty clear. Fewer troops would likely mean fewer casualties and less strain on the Army and Marine Corps, which already are stretched thin. And it would lessen the degree to which the presence of foreign forces fuels an anti-U.S. insurgency.

To finish this story click here: http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0,13319,FL_pullout_080305,00.html?ESRC=eb.nl

[PERSONAL NOTE FROM CARRIE: I'm psyched to hear that the U.S. is working on pulling out of Iraq. I want them home, in one piece, just as they left. However, if we are to still have troops there and they be spread even thinner then they already are will they be expected to guard, patrol, secure and search as they are now? It could become a case of too much to do for too few people. They could become more susceptible to attacks due to fewer numbers. I don't want to see everyone getting excited about the U.S. reducing the number of troops while still expecting them to have the results of a larger group. There is a greater chance of them getting killed or injured. A reduction in troops should certainly be coinciding with a reduction in operations. ....What do you think?]


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