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A forum of support, sharing, caring and friendship for family and friends of those in the 3/25.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Vegas/Palm Springs

We have heard that they boys might have a liberty day or two coming up and they had the choice to go to Vegas or Palm Springs. Most are choosing Vegas (cheaper flights, more to do etc.) from what I hear.

I have to say I'm VERY excited. There is still a small chance that it won't happy but it sounds fairly certain at the moment. They are breaking them up into two groups; one group going from Tues to Wed and the other from Thurs to Fri. I've already bought my ticket and will be landing in Vegas at 9-ish on Tuesday morning, Feb 22.

Should RJ not get into Vegas until Thursday I will be calling the Tropicana to see if I can get a couple nights work at my old job of "Showgirl". I could use the money. Uh huh...yea. Joking! No, hopefully someone else might be there to pal around with...I hear Robin might be there then too. So we'll just have to see what happens.

I haven't heard anything too specific about any of the guys. RJ sprained his ankle last Thursday, pretty good too. He rejoined the gang on Sunday afternoon. He wasn't real happy about not being with the guys and missing any training. But his ankle was pretty with all those colors!

Anyway, I'll add more as I get the info.

Take care family and friends.



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