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A forum of support, sharing, caring and friendship for family and friends of those in the 3/25.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Comm. from RJ

I heard from RJ recently. A phone call in the middle of the night (3am Sunday morning) and a very quick email today.

Last we spoke before this communication I didn't get a chance to ask him anything other than "how are you?". Time went too quickly. This time when he called my list of questions was quite lengthy and despite being half asleep a handful of them crept into my head. I was in Columbus at the time in a hotel with my Mom and one of my sisters for an Art Show opening and had to creep outside barefoot and in my PJ's to the truck to stay out of the biting wind and so I could have a few quiet moments with my guy.

When I asked how he was doing his response was, "I'm alive". My guess is he was very tired and perhaps had a very trying day. But otherwise in the conversation he sounded like big ole smilin' RJ. Very good to hear. When I asked him if he needed anything he said, "It's getting pretty warm here. If you can find some socks to keep cool. Battery-powered or anything!" I was like, "Yeah...battery-powered air-conditioning socks...I'll keep my eyes open, honey". Poor guy. So I did go on a search for socks that would help him stay cooler than he is now. The wick-dry socks made by a million and one companies these days seem like the best bet. He said the color didn't really matter either as long as they weren't pink. So white, green, beige (pref. not black) socks are good.

In the 2 line email I just received today (and practially jumped out of my chair when I saw his name pop-up in my Inbox) he said, "We just arrived today from being all around the territory. The days seem long and the nights even longer."

With it getting warmer over I have taken to trying to find ways to cool our boys down in the heat. I've heard about the cooling bandanas (http://www.brandsonsale.com/coba.html, this is one of many sites that sells them), but he said they have something there that they can buy for cheaper than I can make or buy it here once you take into account shipping.

I also found a website where you can sign up your troop(s) to receive an air conditioner (http://www.operationac.com/). I talked to him about the converter issue and he said if they receive and AC unit, they will find a way to get the proper converter to make it work. Sign up your guys! Let's increase the chance of them getting one!

There is also a thing called a Chillow. (http://www.chillowstore.com/). I don't know if that's something that would be helpful or not. It looks like it would be but I have a feeling that might be up to the personal preference of the guy himself. I've asked RJ about it in emails but haven't gotten a response to that inquiry, yet.

Another item that I think could be good to cool them down is a personal cooling mist-er. I found some on this page (http://www.mistymate.com/personal-cooling.html). I think that it comes down to budget and if the guys want to actually carry it around with them or have it back at the base. There are others too, like the little spray bottle with the fan attached (http://www.campmor.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=39152952&memberId=12500226, or any of these http://www.campmor.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?categoryId=200301616&storeId=226&catalogId=40000000226).

And last but not least, of the immediate cooling ideas is the Frogg Togg (http://www.goflow.net/catpage.html?n=361). It's like a chamois that you use to keep cool. I don't know if it's the same material as a chamois or not and I haven't seen on up close, only online. So I can't give any feedback. But heck, if it's good for the guys and works, it sounds good to me. I wonder if the lack of humidity over there will make it dry out so quickly that they end up spending more time getting it wet than enjoying the cool?!

If any of the guys are reading this and you want us to get them for you, let us know! Otherwise we are just guessing at what would work best for you. Or you can buy them yourself at those sites. Some deliver to FPO addresses.

I know that where RJ is there is no microwave. I understand that Wal-Mart will ship to an FPO address. If your Marine or Corpman wants one, can't get it on his own at the PX when it comes around, then you can get one there. It won't be cheap, but the bonus is that they'll ship to the FPO address. Cool, huh?! I don't know, at the moment, if there is a site that helps get items such as microwaves to the troops or any other store that ships to FPO addresses. But I'm sure there are other places to find them.

That's it for now. I've spoken to many other Mom's, wives and girlfriends of those with the 3/25. All concerned and very proud. We all have our issues with the family being gone beit lack of communication, lack of affection, or a million other things. But one thing stands true in that we are all backing our guys and gals overseas and that we love them dearly and want them home as soon as humanly possible.

Stay strong everyone. Trina, Liana and Betty, you're welcome to share your comments or stories from your loves ones here too. All news is welcome.

Take care everyone. Semper Fi.

Carrie Ann


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