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A forum of support, sharing, caring and friendship for family and friends of those in the 3/25.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Communication varies....

Hi everyone-

I've spoken with a variety of people who have loved ones in the 3/25 as Corpsman. We know where they are all stationed but I found out, as many of us suspected, that not all companies see each other if at all. Even within the companies communication is different. Meaning that one Corpsman might be better at communicating with their loved ones than another. Hopefully they have their reasons other than they're just too tired or don't feel like it when they don't communicate. Even when we know they can. I think this is where the "stay strong" comes into play more than ever. No, that doesn't make it any easier when all you really want to know is if they are ok.

Keep sending emails, packages, and Motomails. We all need communication but I tell ya, I wouldn't want to be in their boots right now. And I'm trying the best I can to keep that in mind and keep a stiff upper lip when I can hear his voice on the other end of the line.

If you have a site and would like to share it with others in the 3/25 please send me a link and I'll include it in these posts. Or if you have general information, that would be great too. Please be careful with information in regards to the guys and their where-abouts. Any and all info sent to me with be reviewed and "edited" if needed for security reasons. Thanks!

Semper Fi!

Carrie Ann

PS: A client sent this to me the other day. I don't know where it came from but I thought it very appropriate for some of us as we all get used to this new chapter of our loved ones being away from us...
Just remember "The road you are on now with him may seem to be a long, dark and hard one at times, stay strong for the sun will shine. Don't think too much into what he is or is not doing by judging him based on the actions of others. We know not what weighs on others' mind and sole. If we truly love them we have to help bear the load at times."
-He was a counselor for the Army when he was deployed.


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