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A forum of support, sharing, caring and friendship for family and friends of those in the 3/25.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

The words of an Iraqi...

I came across another blog today. It's written by a lady in Iraq. I don't know if she is an Iraqi herself or not. Although she did not refer to herself as an American nor did she say anything about "we" when talking about Americans.

Her blog is talking about the politics and everyday life of Iraq as it is currently. One entry mentions the water and electricity situation. Another talks about her husband or boyfriend with whom she lives in Baghdad. Her english is excellant which is why I'm not sure if she's Iraqi or not. Matter-a-fact it's better than a lot of Americans. Her words are succinct and well thought out. Although it's an environment that would lead many of us into a world of frustration and irritation she seems to be handling it well. Assuming the friends she surrounds herself with, as well as her "mate" are mild mannered as well. Although it appears she can certainly stand up for herself when she finds it necessary to do so.

You won't find her shrouded in all black from head-to-toe with her head covered but more like a pair of pants and a high-neck beige sweater that you'd be likely to find as an everyday site around these parts.

I bring up this lady and her blog because it made me feel that she understood the situation there in Baghdad. Why it was going on and looking forward to the future. Her most recent post was closed with the following words, "At the end of the day, it’s not about having a Sunni or Shia or Kurd or Arab in power. It’s about having someone who has Iraq’s best interests at heart- not America’s, not Iran’s, not Israel’s… It’s about needing someone who wants peace, prosperity, independence and above and beyond all, unity."

See, this is what they don't show on the news very often. People that are living there, using their words to describe their feelings about what's going on and what they really want. Obviously this lady does not represent all of Iraq or we wouldn't be worry about our guys leaving in a couple weeks. But it's nice to know there are those living there that want peace and unity.

Too deep for this blog? well, I thought it was something positive. I won't ever go too deep in regards to politics on this site. Believe you, me. Not gonna happen.

Take care everyone. Semper Fi!



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