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A forum of support, sharing, caring and friendship for family and friends of those in the 3/25.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Vegas and beyond....

Hi everyone-

Well, I believe all the boys have gone and are overseas wreaking havoc on the camel/sand spiders. Let's hope that's the worst of it (a little mind trickery there).

RJ left on early this week and called me at 4:15am from one of the stops en route. He was in great spirits and said he'd call again later that day, but didn't. My guess is that he just wasn't able to. I haven't heard from him since. He's been moved to a different company. Not sure of any more than that, Lizette is working on finding that out for me.

Vegas was really nice. Hard at the same time. I could tell he was in a different state of mind but still the same ole RJ for the most part. Just not enough time as far as I'm concerned. Although we were together the whole time we didn't really get to "talk" until just before we both left. It was really nice. He was more excited about sleeping in a bed and eating real food than a lot of other things. Too funny!

I'm understanding that many have switched to the Motomail option for communication. I've done so myself but again due to the fact that RJ had a company switch just before he left, I'm not sure that he's getting them at the moment.

I will post Vegas pictures as soon as I can and I'd love to get links from others Vegas pictures pages too. I'll post the links here.

Take care everyone. Keep in touch. Semper Fi!



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