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A forum of support, sharing, caring and friendship for family and friends of those in the 3/25.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A call from the wild....

It happened today. March 8th at 10:27 am. RJ called. Whew! Thank God and so much more.

He sounded very good. It was short but good. He said there were many, many people lined up to get on the one of four phones they had available to them to share. Not to mention the six computers. And that's it. His phone time was limited. All were anxious to contact their loved ones. He stole a couple extra minutes when the monitor wasn't paying attention...tee hee.

He said they have been very busy. No ops were run yet but I guess it's been mostly training and keeping track of their gear (?).

I can say that he's in the Al Anbar Province in Iraq and will be doing a lot of moving around. No other specifics are available. He has a phone card that he purchased. I bought him one as well but I'm not sure he can use it there, he might have to wait until he's at another base due to the fact that they are so removed from everyone. The one I bought was from the Military Exchange and I knew there was a small chance it might not work where the troops go at one point or another. That's ok, he can use it later, hopefully. He got his from SegoviaIP.net? I just looked at that website and saw some calling cards but they don't look like the ones he was talking about. He said he got his for 4cents/minute. I've just emailed him asking for more specifics on it. I know some of your guys are in different areas...let me know what cards are working for them and I can post them to this blog for others.

Let's see what else...he said you can't drink the water there. No reason was given but my guess would be something comparable to Montazuma's Revenge? Who knows.

He described to me his first meeting with some of the troops that have been there for a while already. I don't know if you recall what his fatigues/camoflague looked like...it's digital camo. Little varying colored squares make up the "camo" pattern on their tan based colored attire. He said the digi-camo on the guys already there was SO worn that it almost looked completely one color, tan. And the guys were dirty and looked worn out. They were very happy to see RJ and the other troops fresh and ready to relieve them apparently but also saddened. Showing thoughtful gazes of "Thank God you're here and sorry you have to deal with this now, it's really going to suck". The new guys felt for the guys already there, all beaten up and worn out emotionally and physically and the old guys felt for the new ones in that they now too have to go through the hell they just endured. Like they didn't want to hand over the burden. I can only imagine.

RJ tries to stay positive and always wants to know what's going on back home. I wish I had something exciting to share with him. Other than, "Hey! I got a call from RJ last week!!". He knew that, he was there. It isn't wild and crazy here, like it is there...unless you're talking about Cleveland weather. [wink, wink]

It made my day, no, it made my week to hear from him. So relieved to hear he was ok and doing fine.

Saturday is the Potluck at the Brookpark Headquarters. I don't know much about it other than I'm going with Lizette and Cynthia and that I should be there. Want to be there too.

I know that Lizette had heard from Brett and he is doing good too. I don't know about anyone else. I'll post it when I have more info.

That's it for now. Have a great day!

Later taters-

Carrie Ann
PS: Map of Iraq (http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/middle_east_and_asia/iraq_rel_2004.jpg)


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